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Two ways to get started reading the Bible together with your child!

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Seeking the King – a high-quality PDF you can use on any device!


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Print – Spiral Bound

Seeking the King – A sturdy printed copy, spiral bound for ease of use, with wide margins for notes!


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No More “Because I Said So” Beliefs

Truth faith isn’t blind reliance on what someone else tells you. True faith comes from understanding and trust. Seeking the King teaches Biblical principles in a logical way that fosters understanding, without deprecating the value of the mysteries God has set in place.

Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go

By teaching your child yourself, there will be no more wondering what they’ve been taught. They won’t remember it all the first time, and that’s okay. Who remembers everything they’ve heard the first time? God is gracious to continue teaching us what we’ve already learned. But you won’t have to wonder, “Did they talk about the Trinity in Sunday School? What do my children think sin is? Do they know that God loves them or do they think he’s just there to punish people?” Instead you can be sure that you taught them what you believe. They will be able to take your teaching and expand it and deepen it with further study into beliefs that they truly own.

Charlotte Mason Style for Better Retention

If you don’t know or don’t care who Charlotte Mason is, you don’t need to. But Seeking the King utilizes both her philosophy of making learning a life-giving experience and her principles of review and narration. I believe children learn best when they are treated like persons who have functioning minds, and when their lessons relate to their lives in some way.

Never Dumbed-Down or Childish

Because children have great capacity for understanding, but limited attention, Seeking the King uses readings selected directly from the Bible. You can use your preferred translation! Readings are specific down to the verse, to eliminate repetitions and tangents, not because this is not useful (All Scripture is God-breathed) but because it can distract children from the salvation-oriented point of the lesson. Unlike with a Story Bible, all the Scripture is still there for when the child is reading independently.

The Bible Matters to Your Life

How sad when children believe “Church is a thing we go and do on Sunday and then leave behind”! Seeking the King lessons include questions to help the child draw their own connections between Biblical principles and their own behavior. They also have a review and a narration so that the child can connect each story to the others, building a timeline of God’s plan for themselves.

The Old Testament as the Story of Salvation

Too often the Old Testament is chopped up and parceled out, individual stories taught without connection or context. Seeking the King teaches the Old Testament as a single, complex, interconnected whole, each story building on the next. Each lesson either teaches a necessary principle or is an important step on the formation of Israel, the history that leads up to the birth of Christ. Thus the entire set of books is seen as the first great volume of an epic story that God is telling.

Knowledge that Can Never be Taken

Bible memorization might seem like an antiquated notion in the Digital Age. But, the Psalmist says, “I have hidden your words in my heart that I might not sin against you.” By memorizing a verse, a child gains a treasure from God’s lips that can never be taken from them, not even during the most complete digital data wipe.